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The earliest factories in England came up by the
A. 1714s
B. 1730s
C. 1761s
D. 1792s

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: The first Industrial Revolution began in England in about 1750-1760 which then spread to the other parts of the world.

Complete answer: The earliest factories in England came up by the 1730s and grew in number during the late eighteenth century. Cotton factories were the first factories to be set up and it's production boomed in the late nineteenth century because England used to import raw material like cotton and silk easily from her colonised countries in the South East Asian region for free of cost.
Looking at the options given-
Option A. 1714s Britain involved in the war of Spanish succession in this period. It is an incorrect option.
Option B. The earliest factories in England came up by the 1730s during the Industrial revolution. This is the correct answer.
Option C. Matthew Boulton’s Soho manufactory near Birmingham was the first factory for the production of metal goods in Britain. It is an incorrect option.
Option D: Investment management in Business was established in London, England. It is an incorrect option.
Therefore, Option B is correct.

Note: British initially focused on two industries namely, textiles and iron and steel industry. Both of them were very crucial for the industrial revolution in the modern world.
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