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The color of Lion is ………… in order to hide in dry grassland.
A. Black.
B. Light brown.
C. Dark brown.
D. Green.

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: Lion is one of the strongest animals in the jungle and always lives in a forest or grassland area. Lions always chase and hunt animals (for food) silently. The skin colour of the lion acts as a camouflage with the colour of the grassland. Therefore, to attack the prey, lions use camouflage to disguise them in their surroundings.

Complete answer:
-Lion skin is light brown in colour and this light brown colour acts as a camouflage with the same colour of dry grassland when they hunt other animals. In hunting, they can reach the prey silently and noiselessly by disguising themselves in the colour of dry grassland.
-Lion attacks the animal from the front so the lion needs to come near the prey as much as he can, before an attack. So, the lion reaches close to the prey (unnoticed by the prey) by camouflaging with the light brown colour of surrounding grassland.
-Light brown colour of dry grasslands and same colour of lion’s skin help lions to get unnoticed when they are looking to hunt other animals. This camouflage is necessary to get the prey otherwise they would never be able to catch the prey.
Hence, the correct option is, (B) Light brown.

-Yellowish or light brown fur is present in mostly all male and female lions. Skin colour can range from light brown to dark brown.
-Animals from the same species differs vary slightly in skin colouration , the base coat is generally a brownish yellow, the stripes ranging from dark brown or yellow to golden or black , like the underside skin colour of the tiger is whitish yellow and also striped beneath the patterned fur.