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The acid present in tea is:
A. Citric
B. Tannic
C. Formic
D. Lactic

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 411k
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Hint: Here are some natural ingredients who have some amount of acid present in them due to which they get their unique flavor like citrus fruits have citric acid and yogurt contains lactic acid. Also, the chemical formula of tannic acid is ${C_{76}}{H_{52}}{O_{46}}$.

Complete Step to Step Solution:
In order to find out which is the correct option out of the given 4 options we can easily find it out by talking in detail about each option.
Citric acid is a weak organic which is naturally found in citrus fruits like oranges and also among lemons and limes. It has a chemical formula ${C_6}{H_8}{O_7}$. It is also used as a natural preservative and is used to add sour taste in foods. So, option A is not correct.
We also know about the formic acid which is also termed as methanoic acid. It is the simplest carboxylic acid having the chemical formula $HCOOH $. Naturally, it is found in secretion of ants and they use it in defense. This acid is very irritating to the skin. So, option C is also not correct.
Now, coming to the last option about which also we already know that lactic acid is naturally present in yogurt and is also produced during anaerobic respiration in our muscles. So, option D is also not correct.
So, without knowing much about option B, we can easily find out that it is the correct answer. Now talking about tannic acid, it is a weak acid which is present in tea.
Therefore, on inspecting all the 4 options given in question we can now conclude that option B is the correct answer.

Note: We should remember the chemical formula of lactic acid which is ${C_3}{H_6}{O_3}$ as we will find this at many places in organic chemistry.
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