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When temperature increase, the frequency of a tuning fork
(A) Increases
(B) Decreases
(C) Remains same
(D) Increases or decreases depending on the material.

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint :When the temperature is increased the length or the dimensions of the forks also increases and hence, the young’s modulus changes and hence will apply the same to know the relation between the frequency and the temperature.

Complete Step By Step Answer:
Temperature can be defined as the physical quantity which expresses the hot and the cold which is the manifestation of the thermal energy and present in all the matters. The temperature is the source of the occurrence of heat, a flow of energy when the body comes in contact with another which is colder or hotter.
The tuning fork is an acoustic resonator which is in the form of the two-pronged fork with the prongs formed in the form of the U-shaped bar of the elastic metal which is generally steel. The pitch of the tuning fork depends on the length and the mass of the two prongs.
The correlation between the temperature and the frequency can be expressed as-
$f= {\dfrac{1}{2l}}{\sqrt{\dfrac{T}{m}}}$
The above expression suggests that when the temperature increases, then the length increases and then the frequency decreases. Since, the frequency is inversely proportional to the length.
The option B is the correct answer.

Note :
Sound waves travel with a certain speed and which has the properties of the frequency and the wavelength. The perception of the frequency is known as the pitch which can be defined as the quality of the sound and the degree of highness or the lowness of the tone.