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Study the given diagrams showing a cross-section of two flowers. Which of the following statements is correct regarding them?

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(i) The flowering plants have developed from seeds.
(ii) Flower X is a female flower and flower Y is a bisexual flower.
(iii) Fertilization can take place in both flowers.
A) I only
B) II only
C) I and II
D) II and III

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: A “perfect flower” contains both male and female reproductive organs. Androecium contains stamens and gynoecium contains carpels. Rose is an example of a perfect flower.

Complete Answer:
Flowers are the primary reproductive organs of the plants. The male reproductive organ is known as Androecium. It is made up of one or more stamens. Each stamen has a filament and another. The anther is the pollen-producing part of the plant and placed at the top. Filament supports the anther.
The female reproductive organ of a plant is Gynoecium and it has parts like stigma, style and ovary. The female elements are known as the pistil. Stigma is placed on top of the pistil and it's sticky in nature. When a flower has both male and female reproductive structures they are known as Bisexual flower. In the given image, flower Y has both stamen and carpal hence its bisexual. Whereas flower X is a unisex flower.
A good example of Bisexual flower is Hibiscus. Corn, papaya and cucumber are the unisexual flowers.

The correct answer is option B Flower X is a female flower and flower Y is a bisexual flower.

Note: One should remember that the carpels produce ovules and they contain female gametophytes. The stamens produce pollen grain and they contain male gametophytes. When a flower has either stamen or carpel, they are known as Unisexual flower.