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How many rectangular faces do a hexagonal pyramid have?

Last updated date: 18th May 2024
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Hint: A hexagon is defined as a polygon with $6$ sides. So, Firstly draw a rough polygon with $6$ sides and then take a point which should in the middle of the hexagon (equidistant to all the vertices) and make sure that the point (known as apex) is at some height from the $2\;D$ Hexagon. Connect the vertices of the Hexagon to the Apex such that the lines converge to a common point.

Complete step-by-step answer:
$ \Rightarrow $ First, Draw a polygon of $6$ sides. The diagram below is a $2\;D$ Hexagon.
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$ \Rightarrow $ Now, draw lines connecting the vertices of the $2\;D$ Hexagon to a point which is placed at some height from the figure.
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$ \Rightarrow $ Complete connecting all the vertices to get the following $3\;D$ figure.
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$ \Rightarrow $ For a better view, tilt the diagram to see all the faces of the Hexagonal Pyramid.
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$ \Rightarrow $ From the figure above, We can conclude that there are $6$ Triangles and $1$ Hexagon.
Since the question was to find the number of rectangular faces of a Hexagonal Pyramid,
$\therefore $There are $0$ rectangular faces in a Hexagonal Pyramid.
Additional Information: A Pyramid is a polyhedron that is formed by connecting the polygonal base to a point, which is formally known as an Apex. Each base edge and the converging point apex form triangular faces. It is a conic solid figure with a polygonal base.
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The above $3\;D$ figure is a Pyramid with a square base.

One should not get confused between a Pyramid and a Prism. A Prism is a geometric figure which has $2$ ends that are similar, equal, and parallel edges. It has $2$ faces that are parallelograms. Know the difference between a parallelogram and a rectangle to not get confused with each other when asked to find either of the faces.