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Who proposed the cell theory? Give the main points of this theory as it stands today.

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint:Cell is the basic functional, biological and structural unit of all the organisms that are known till date. It is the smallest and fundamental unit of life.

Complete answer:
Before we find out who proposed the cell theory, let us know a little bit more about the cell. Cell biology is the study of cells and it includes the function and structure of every cell organelle. Cell was first discovered by Robert Hooke.

Every single organism present on earth is made up of cells. The cell is a complex structure and has various organelles inside it, which perform various functions. The cell consists of,
-Cell membrane
-Cell wall
-Cell organelles

Now, coming to cell theory, the cell theory was proposed by Matthias Schleiden, Rudolf Virchow and Theodor Schwann. As per the cell theory,
i) Every living organism present on earth is made up of cells.
ii) The cell is the basic unit of life.
iii) All cells arise from pre-existing cells.

There are some extra points added to this, and the modern version of cell theory and it says,
The genetic information is passed from one cell to another cell
i) Within the cells energy flow is present.
ii) Every cell has the same composition.

Note:The various functions of cells are as follows,
i) They provide both support and structure to all organisms.
ii) They help in transportation of substances.
iii) They help in dividing cells via mitosis.
iv) They have a role in energy production and reproduction.