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What is the problem with the periodisation of Indian history that James Mill offered?

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: In 1817, a Scottish economist and political philosopher, James Mill published a three-volume work, named “A History of British India”. In his work, he divided Indian history into three periods- Hindu, Muslim and British. This periodisation by James Mill was widely accepted.

Complete answer: We often divide history into periods to understand the significance of the past. It throws light on each and every chapter or event of the past thus we demarcate the lines between, stages, periods, and mark them according to their historical importance. The same thing was done by the famous political philosopher, James Mill. But there were problems with the way Mill periodise Indian History. According to him, Asian societies were less developed and modern than in European countries. He said that earlier India was ruled by despots, dominated with religious intolerance, caste system, and superstition. Therefore it is important for Asian societies to have Britishers as their rulers so that they can uplift them and make them more civilised. He also suggested the implementation of modern art, education, institutions and laws in India. He in fact suggested that only Britishers can bring enlightenment and happiness in Indian society and without their support Indian society cannot be developed.

Note: The biggest problem lies in the way James Mill periodise Indian History on the basis of religion. As we have seen how different religions existed peacefully in the past and had shown unity. Also, not all rulers who ruled India were cruel and bad.