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Palk Strait separates India from _________.
C.Andaman Island
D.Sri Lanka

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: The Palk Strait is a strait that is located and starts from the state of Tamil Nadu. It is like a continuation of the Bay of Bengal and connects the Bay of Bengal with the Palk Bay on the other side.

Complete answer step by step: The Palk Strait is a narrow strip of water that is located in between the states of Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. To be precise it’s located in the Jaffna region of Sri Lanka. This strait is only 9.1 metres deep, unlike larger water bodies. This strait separates India from Sri Lanka, a neighbouring island nation. This strait connects the Bay of Bengal from the northeast to the Palk bay that is all the way in the southwest. This means that the Palk Strait connects two landmasses and two water bodies. It is also connected to the Gulf of Mannar and the Mannar island in Sri Lanka. The Andaman and Nicobar islands are just a part of the Bay of Bengal and do not get separated from India because of the Palk Strait.
The correct answer to this question is option D - Sri Lanka. This means that the rest of the options given are incorrect.

Note: A Strait is a shallow and narrow strip of water that seems to connect two larger water bodies. A Strait typically is located between two landmasses and acts as a channel of water in that area. For example, The Palk Strait that connects the Bay of Bengal and the Palk Bay.