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P: The taxonomic hierarchy for Brassica campestris can be written as.
Plantae- Phanerogamae – Angiospermae- Dicotyledoneae Parietales → Brassicaceae - Brassica campestris.
Q: Tautonym is the taxonomic designation used for certain plants having trinomial nomenclature.
R: A character present in an ancestral species and shares exclusively by its evolutionary descendants is referred to as synapomorphy.
 S: Family Fabaceae is divided into three subfamilies, i.e, Leguminosae, Mimosaceae, and Caesalpiniaceae.
Which of the following combinations of given statements is correct?
A) P and Q
B) P and R
C) R and S
D) P R and S

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
Total views: 394.5k
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Hint: Taxonomy is the branch of biology that refers to the classification of different species. Taxonomic hierarchy is the sequence of the ascending or descending order, where the kingdom is the highest and species is the lowest in the order.

Complete answer:
P: Taxonomic hierarchy of the brassica campestris includes
Kingdom – Plantae
Phylum- phanerogam
Class- Angiospermae
Order- Dicotyledonae
Family – Parietales
Genus – Brassicaceae
Species – Brassica campestris.
So the above-given order is correct and this is considered as right.
Q: Tautonym is a binomial name which means it contains the same word twice like both genus and species consists of the same word for example Vulpes vulpes, but above in the question, it has given as trinomial nomenclature so that statement is wrong.
R: In phylogenetics, synapomorphy refers to be derived from the characters of the clade, and the synapomorphy means the characteristics present in an ancestral species and it is transferred through evolutionary descends so the statement given in the question is correct.
S: The family Fabaceae is divided into subfamilies called Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae, Faboideae. Previously they all were separate families and now they are under the Fabaceae. So the above-given statement is wrong.

So from all the above-given statements only P and R are correct.

In the taxonomic hierarchy, Kingdom is highest and it is of 5 types like Animalia, Plantae, etc. And the next level is phylum, for example, the Animalia has 35 phyla, And the next level is class which is 108 for Animalia and order is 26 and finally, nearly there are 8.1 million species.