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Name the vitamin that gets destroyed by heat during cooking.

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 325.2k
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Hint : There are so many vitamins in our biological study. Every vitamin has its own importance but every vitamin has its own adverse health effects also if the intake of them is not proper or they have been given to us by a wrong method which finishes their health effects that are required by our body. From these vitamins we are going to talk about only one vitamin.

Complete Step By Step Answer:
The vitamin that gets destroyed by heat during cooking is vitamin-C. If we boil a thing which contains vitamin-C in it then it reduces its content more than any other cooking method. For example, when we boil broccoli, spinach, and lettuce, they lose up to $ 50\% $ or more than $ 50\% $ of their vitamin-C. There are two water soluble vitamins which are vitamin-B and vitamin-C. They are also temperature sensitive vitamins. When temperature gets below than $ {86^0}F $ , vitamin-C gets started to denature. Vitamin-C is mainly found in fruits and vegetables which includes oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli and green peppers. When vitamin-C is exposed to air, it gets easily destroyed as happens in excessive heating.

Note :
The other vitamins such as vitamin-A, vitamin-D, vitamin-E, and vitamin-K are all fat soluble vitamins. They do not get destroyed when heated or exposed to air. There are many other types of vitamin-B such as vitamin-B $ 1 $ (thiamine), vitamin-B $ 2 $ (riboflavin), vitamin-B $ 3 $ (niacin), vitamin-B $ 5 $ (pantothenic acid), vitamin-B $ 6 $ (pyridoxine), vitamin-B $ 9 $ (folic acid), and vitamin-B $ 12 $ (cobalamin). Each and every vitamin is a beneficiary for our healthy life.
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