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Match the following:

(a) i - D, ii - C, iii - E, iv - B, v - A
(b) i - E, ii - D, iii - B, iv - A, v - C
(c) i - D, ii - E, iii - B, iv - A, v - C
(d) i - E, ii - C, iii - B, iv - A, v - D

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 407.4k
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Hint: The given table gives the scientific name of Potato with its family, order, and kingdom. Potato is a tuber vegetable that belongs to the family of nightshades and is a perennial plant.
Complete answer:
Solanum Tuberosum is the scientific name of the potato.
The classification for the Potato is: - Kingdom: Plantae - Order: Polymoniales - Family: Solanaceae - Genus: Solanum - Species: Tuberosum There are seven obligate categories in which all living organisms are classified and are arranged in descending sequence starting from kingdom up to species. - Due to the similarities in some morphological features, one or more species are kept in a genus. For example, Solanum has another specific epithet than Tuberosum, like nigrum and melongena. All the species represent the different organisms that are kept in the same genus due to some similarities in their morphological features but are assigned different specific epithet due to some other distinct features like habitat or color or size, etc. - Genus is a group of related species, which has more characters in common in comparison to species of other genera. For example, potato, brinjal, and makoi belong to three different species but are placed under the same genus Solanum. - The next higher category in taxonomic classification is family. It includes various groups of related genera, which share a lesser number of similarities as compared to the genus and species level. For instance, on the basis of vegetative and reproductive features three different genera - Solanum, Petunia, Datura are grouped in the same family- Solanaceae. - The group of related families is kept under the same order. For example, different plant families- Convolvulaceae, Solanaceae are included in the same order- Polynomials due to similar floral characters found in them. - Kingdom is the highest category in the taxonomic hierarchy. It is a group of phyla that have certain basic common characteristics. All plants present in different divisions have a rigid cell wall and are autotrophic thus are included in the kingdom- Plantae.
So, the correct answer is, “i - D, ii - C, iii - E, iv - B, v - A”.

As per ICBN, the names of different categories must end in standard suffixes.
Division- phyta
Class- phyceae or - opsida or - ae
Order- ales
Family- aceae

- Tribe is an intermediate category between subfamily and genus. - Specificity decreases when we go from species to kingdom i.e., the higher the category, the lesser will be the number of similarities belonging to that category.