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Mahatma Gandhi’s vision about Indian constitution was published in which magazine?
(A) Discovery of India
(B) Young India
(C) New India
(D) Indian gazette

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. This document lays down a framework for dividing the basic political regulations, structures, procedures, powers and responsibilities of government agencies, and stipulates basic rights, indicative principles and responsibilities of citizens.

Complete solution:
Gandhi had a vision of decentralized administration and political society, and gave the village Panchayat greater power, and the power was evenly distributed to all institutions, especially he was interested in a bottom-up approach. The Panchayat raj institution approved by the 73rd amendment is Gandhi's vision. Therefore, political scientists delineated Gandhian principles in the guiding principles of national policy, but did not delineate boundaries in the initial formulation of the constitution. He wants to see a democratic India. He does not want to confuse Western values ​​in the Indian Constitution.
Young India was a week shed - a weekly paper or journal published in English by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi between 1919 and 1931. He used "Young India" to disseminate unique ideas and thoughts on the use of non-violent behavior in organizing movements, and urged readers to consider, organize and plan for India's eventual independence from Britain.

Thus the option (B) is correct

Note: Gandhi Ji's dream of India is to bring Swaraj to a country that does not recognize any racial or religious purpose. Swaraj will repair it for everyone, including farmers, disabled people, blind people and millions of starving workers. He wanted to wash away the tears from every eye.