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Limiting friction is………..of the area of contact. Fill in the blanks
A. directly proportional
B. indirectly proportional
C. independent
D. None.

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
Total views: 398.1k
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Hint: Limiting friction only depends upon the nature of the surface in contact and its state of polish.

Complete step by step solution:
The force due to friction is independent of the contact body between the two surfaces. This can be explained as if there are two heavy objects of the same mass, where the length of one object is half of the other then they will experience the same friction when they are dragged over each other as when they are of the same length.

Limiting friction is the maximum friction that can be generated between two static surfaces in contact with each other. Once the force is applied between two surfaces which are greater than its limiting friction, then the motion will occur where force is dependent upon the nature of the surface. Limiting friction is directly dependent upon the magnitude of normal reaction N between two surfaces in contact.

Limiting friction only depends upon the nature of the surface in contact and its state of polish. The limiting friction acts tangentially between the surfaces of contact, and in the opposite direction of movement of the body, hence we can say limiting friction is independent of the area of contact.

Thus, Option (C) is correct.

Note: Two bodies of the same area and the mass having the same area of contact will experience the same friction as the friction between two bodies of the different area or a different area of contact.
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