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Who was the last Mughal ruler?
A. Aurangzeb
B. Bahardur Shah I
C. Bahardur Shah II
D. Shah Alam II

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: The last Mughal ruler was 62 years old when he became king. He was exiled and sent to Rangoon, Burma by the British, where he died after some time.

Complete answer: The last Mughal Emperor of India was Bahadur Shah Zafar. His role as a Mughal ruler was very seen as very important in the 1857 Revolt. On 28 September 1837, Bahadur Shah II, also known as Bahadur Shah Zafar ascended to the throne of Delhi. He became the emperor after the death of his father Akbar Shah II. he was born on 24 October 1775 in Delhi. Bahadur Shah was the second son to his parents. His birth name was Abu Zafar Sirajuddin Muhammad Bahadur Shah. Bahadur Shah's interests included poetry rather than political leadership. He was a proficient Urdu poet with sound knowledge in languages like Persian and Arabic. He was also a calligrapher and loved music. As an emperor, he was also trained in the military arts as well. These included horsemanship, swordsmanship, shooting etc. He was also interested in Sufism. Shah was only a nominal ruler because the Mughal Empire was not as it was earlier. It was by then disintegrated and weakened. He was arrested by Major William Hodson on 20 September 1857 and sent to Rangoon. He then died in November 1862 aged 87.
Therefore, Option C is correct.

Note: The British stole many jewels and valuables from the palace of Bahadur Shah and also the Red Fort. In fact, the crown of Bahadur Shah was also stolen and is presently a part of the Royal Collection in London.