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Larva of a mosquito is called.
A. Imago
B. Caterpillar
C. Wriggler
D. None of the above

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
Total views: 333.6k
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Hint: Every organism has a particular life cycle in which they transform from a newborn stage to adult stage. In the case of insects and other species, every stage in the life cycle has been assigned a particular name. Similarly, even mosquitoes have a specific name. In case of mosquitoes their life cycle consists of four stages.

Complete answer:
Option A Imago: Imago is the last stage in the life cycle of insects when the larva metamorphoses into adult imago after which they shed their skin also called ecdysis. During this time, they have grown and developed fully.
So, option A is not the correct option.
Option B Caterpillar: Caterpillars are the larvae of insects like moths and butterflies. They range in a variety of colours and shapes. Out of the four stages in the life cycles of butterflies, they are in the second stage of their life cycle.
So, option B is not the correct option.
Option C Wriggler: The mosquitoes have four stages in their life cycle- eggs, larval stage which is called as wriggler, pupa and finally the adult emerges and turns into a mature male or female mosquito.
So, option C is the correct option.
Option D (none of the above): It is not the correct option as we have already selected option C as the correct option and hence option D (none of the above) is not the correct option.

So, Option C is the correct answer.

The newborn stage of most of the insects and few amphibians are called larvae or larva. But, for few cases they are given a particular name to differentiate the larva of various species. For example, larvae of butterflies and moths are called caterpillars, and mosquitoes are called wriggler etc.