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JG cells, under low glomerular blood flow, release
A) Angiotensin I
B) Angiotensin II
C) Renin
D) Aldosterone

Last updated date: 24th Apr 2024
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Hint: To understand the question, we must first know about JG cells, JG actually means juxta glomerular apparatus, it is a special sensitive region from the cellular and modifications in the distal convoluted tubule that is DCT and afferent arteriole at the location of their contact. JG cells are a part of Kidneys built-in mechanisms.

Complete answer:
In the process of excretion, the functioning of the kidney is efficiently monitored and regulated by the hormonal feedback mechanism that involves mainly the hypothalamus (it is a regulatory endocrine gland of the body) and juxta glomerular apparatus, to some extent heart is also involved. There are certain osmoreceptors in the body that are activated by the changes in the blood volume, body fluid volume and ionic concentrations. When there is an excessive loss of fluid from the body these receptors get activated which in turn stimulates the hypothalamus to release ADH which further by the process of reabsorption prevents diuresis. The juxtaglomerular Apparatus in the same condition play Complex regulatory role. A fall in the glomerular blood flow or glomerular blood pressure activates the JG cells to release renin. Here now the role of reading becomes interesting the rain and converts angiotensin in blood to enjoy tension 1 and further to angiotensin II then angiotensin II being a powerful vasoconstrictor (vasoconstrictor here will constrict the blood vessels), increases the glomerular blood pressure and thereby increases Glomerular filtration rate. Angiotensin II also activates the renal cortex at the same time to release aldosterone, aldosterone causes the reabsorption of the sodium ions and water from the distal parts of the tubule. This action of angiotensin II also leads to the increase in glomerular filtration rate and the whole Complex mechanism is generally known as the Renin-Angiotensin mechanism.

So, the correct answer is option C.

Note: So, in the entire mechanism this was to note that the fall in glomerular blood pressure or glomerular blood flow there is a release of renin by JG cells.