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In a laminar flow, the velocity of the liquid in contact with the walls of the tube is:
A. Zero
B. Maximum
C. In between zero and maximum
D. Equal and critical velocity

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
Total views: 406.2k
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Hint: Laminar flow in fluid dynamics is characterised by fluid particles taking flat paths in layers, with each layer flowing uniformly with little to no mixing past the neighbouring layers. The fluid continues to flow at low velocities without lateral mixing and neighbouring layers slip over each other like playing cards.

Complete answer:
As, we know that,
In the smooth flow of a viscous liquid through a tube or pipe, the application of the laminar flow will be used.
In this case, the rate of flow at the walls ranges from zero to a limit in the vessel's middle line.
It is possible to measure the flow profile of the laminar flow in a tube by splitting the liquid into thin cylindrical components and applying viscous force to them.
So, the velocity of the liquid will be minimum when it is in contact with the wall of the tube because of the friction force it will experience from the wall. So, the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the fluid at a given point in a laminar flow.

So, the correct answer is “Option A”.

While making an airplane, engineers try to design a model with laminar flow over their wings to make them more aerodynamic and efficient.