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What is the function of water in the living system?

Last updated date: 17th Apr 2024
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Hint: Open self-organizing life forms that interact with their surroundings are known as living systems. Flows of information, energy, and matter keep these systems running. The living systems theory describes the presence of all living systems, as well as their structure, interaction, activity, and development. James Grier Miller created this work with the intention of formalizing the concept of life.

Complete answer:
Water is required for the movement of nutrients and wastes, shock absorption and lubrication, chemical reactions, and body temperature regulation. Water has earned the moniker "universal solvent" because it can dissolve a wide range of compounds. To generate energy and clear away waste products and pollutants, all life requires the intake of chemicals. Water is an excellent medium for both jobs because of its ability to dissolve a wide range of compounds.
Water's action as a solvent lets cells move and use chemicals like oxygen and nutrients on a biological level. Water-based solutions, such as blood, aid in the transport of molecules to their proper sites. It is necessary for breathing and moistens the oxygen so that it can be inhaled.
Water accounts for 60-75 percent of a person's weight. Dehydration can occur with a loss of merely 4% of total body water, and a loss of 15% can be fatal. Similarly, a human may go a month without eating but not three days without water. All life forms are governed by this critical reliance on water. Water is obviously essential for survival.

Water has a high specific heat capacity, which means it takes a lot of energy to heat it up. As a result, water absorbs a lot of heat without raising the organism's temperature. Enzymes are prevented from being overheated and unable to operate as a result of this. Metabolism refers to an organism's overall number of chemical reactions. Water is a metabolite, which is a molecule that participates in processes. It is crucial for the continuous survival of both plants and animals in this way.