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Fruiting body in penicillium is known as
A. Cleistothecium
B. Apothecium
C. Perithecium
D. Pycnidium

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
Total views: 398.1k
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Hint: Kingdom fungi includes 5 divisions, Masstigomyctina, Zygomycotina, Ascomycotina, Basidiomycota, and Deuteromycota. Penicillin belongs to class Ascomycetes (The Sac fungi). The asci, in most of the ascomycetes, are produced inside the complex fruiting bodies called ascocarps.

Complete step by step answer: In some cases the ascocarps are not formed and the asci are produced naked and singly (e.g. yeasts). The apocarps are of three types – apothecium, perithecium, and cleistothecium. The genus Penicillium is commonly called green mould. Most of the species are saprophytic and grow on decaying vegetables, fruits, and animals. A few species are parasitic and cause diseases. Penicillium chrysogenum is used for the production of the antibiotic penicillin.
A few species cause respiratory disease- penicilliosis in animals and human beings. The fungus is mycelia and consists of branched, septate interwoven hyphae which ramify over the substratum or deeply penetrate it. Asexual reproduction occurs by the formation of conidia on special hyphal branches called conidiophores. The terminal end of conidiophore has a broom (or brush) like appearance, technically known as penicillins. The fruiting body of penicillium is cleistothecium, it is a small spherical or ovoid indehiscent fruiting body which is completely closed from all sides.
So the correct answer is option A, i.e., Cleistothecium

Note: Apothecium are cup-shaped or disc-shaped fruiting bodies. The cup-shaped asci are intermingled with sterile paraphyses in the upper fertile layer called hymenium. Example – Peziza, Ascobolus. Perithecium is a flask-shaped fruiting body which has a definite apical pore, called ostiole eg. Claviceps.