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Who was the first Governor-general of the Dominion of India?
A. Lord Mountbatten
B. C. Rajapalachari
C. Rajendra prasad
D. J.L. Nehru

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: The Governor-General of India was the representative of the monarch of the United Kingdom and after Indian independence in 1947, the representative of the Indian head of state.

Complete answer:
The office was created in 1773, with the title of ‘Governor-general of the Presidency of Fort William’. The officer had direct control only over Fort William, but supervised other East India Company officials in India. Complete authority over all of British India was granted in 1833, and the official came to be known as the "governor-general of India". Now let’s see who was the first Governor General of the domain of Indian which means after India got independence.
In March 1947, Mountbatten was appointed Viceroy of India and oversaw the Partition of British India into India and Pakistan. He then served as the first Governor-General of India until June 1948.
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari was an Indian politician, independence activist, lawyer, writer, historian and statesman. Rajagopalachari was the last Governor-General of India, as India soon became a Republic in 1950. Furthermore, he was the first Indian-born governor-general, since before him the posts were held by British nationals.
Rajendra Prasad was an Indian independence activist, lawyer, scholar and subsequently, the first President of India, in office from 1950 to 1962.
Jawaharlal Nehru was an Indian independence activist and, subsequently, the first Prime Minister of India, as well as a central figure in Indian politics both before and after independence. He emerged as an eminent leader of the Indian independence movement, serving India as Prime Minister from its establishment in 1947 as an independent nation, until his death in 1964.

Hence the correct answer is option A.

Note: The Independence Act marked the end of the British rule in India. The Dominions of India and Pakistan came into existence on August 15, 1947. Lord Mountbatten on the request of Nehru continued as the Governor-General of India.