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: Find the synonym of the underlined word.
There was no trace of poison in the coffee the chemist analyzed, which disappointed the police.
a. Indication
b. Taste
c. Color
d. Smell
e. Sediment

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 425.1k
Views today: 5.25k
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Hint: The meaning of trace is a very small quantity that is too small to be estimated correctly. If you find a trace of something, it means that you have across the remains of that thing.

Complete step-by-step answer:

Synonyms are words that have the same meaning as a given word. Generally, words in the English language have many synonyms bearing similar meanings. A thesaurus is a book that contains all these synonyms in one place.
Let us look at some examples of synonyms. Bewitch is a word that means to enchant and delight. Captivate is another adjective that can be used to describe this same meaning in one word.
Similarly, let us look at the word serenity. When something is serene, it is calm and tranquil. It indicates freedom from conflict. Peace is another word that can be used to describe this meaning in one word.
In our question, we have been given the word ‘trace’. Let us consider what its meaning is. A trace is a surviving sign of the existence of a particular item. It is the touch or hint of a specific variable to show that it existed or still exists. The meaning of trace is best characterized by the word indication. Therefore, the option ‘a’ is the correct answer.

Note: Do not confuse option ‘e’ sediment with trace. If a liquid has a trace of something, it is difficult to make it out by the naked eye alone. Sediments on the other hand are heavier in composition and easier to detect.