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How do you find the slope and intercept to graph $2x+y=7$?

Last updated date: 19th May 2024
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Hint: The equation given in the question must first be converted to the standard slope intercept form of a line. For this, we need to subtract $2x$ from the given equation $2x+y=7$ for separating $y$ in terms of $x$. Then, comparing the obtained equation with the standard slope intercept form of a line, which is given by $y=mx+c$, we will obtain the slope and the intercept of the graph corresponding to the given equation.

Complete step by step answer:
The equation given in the question is written as
The graph of the given equation will look like
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For determining the slope and the intercept of the given equation, we need to write it in the form of the standard slope intercept form of a line. We know that the slope intercept form of the equation of a line is given by
From the above equation, we can see that only the variable $y$ is present in the left hand side, while the term containing the variable $x$ is written on the right hand side along with all the other constants.
For this, we subtract $2x$ from both the sides of the equation (i) to get
  & \Rightarrow 2x+y-2x=7-2x \\
 & \Rightarrow y=7-2x \\
Writing the above equation in the form of the equation (ii), we get
$\Rightarrow y=-2x+7........(iii)$
By comparing the equations (ii) and (iii), we get the slope and the intercept of the line as
$\Rightarrow m=-2,c=7$

Hence, the slope of the graph $2x+y=7$ is equal to $-2$ and its intercept is equal to $7$.

Note: We can also solve this question by writing the equation of line in the standard form of $px+qy+r=0$. So the given equation $2x+y=7$ is to be written as $2x+y-7=0$ so that we will get $p=2$, $q=1$ and $r=-7$. The slope is equal to the negative of the ratio of the coefficient of $x$ to the coefficient of $y$, that is, $m=-\dfrac{p}{q}$. And the intercept is given by $c=-\dfrac{r}{q}$.