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Find the area of the shaded region given in figure.
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Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: We will find the total area of the larger square $(ABCD)$ using the formula area of square$={{(side)}^{2}}$. Then we will find the area of the smaller square $(JKLM)$ using the same formula and then we will find the area of any one semicircle and multiply it by $4$, as given in the above figure.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Finally we will subtract the area of the smaller square $(JKLM)$+$4$ $Semicircles$ from larger square to get the area of shaded or hatched region.

The figure given in the question is that $ABCD$ is a square of side $14cm$. Also, we have a smaller square $JKLM$ inside the larger square and four semicircles.

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From the above figure, we can consider the distribution of small squares and semicircles as shown below.
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From the above figure we get side of square $JKLM=4cm$ and the diameter of the circle is also $4cm$

We will first find the area of the larger square $ABCD$ measuring side as $14cm$.

Using formula for area of square$={{(side)}^{2}}$, we can substitute side$=14cm$.

& ={{(14cm)}^{2}} \\
& =196c{{m}^{2}} \\

Now, we will calculate the area of smaller square $JKLM$

Using formula for area of square\[=\text{ }{{\left( Side \right)}^{2}}\], we can substitute side$=4cm$.

& ={{(4cm)}^{2}} \\
& =16c{{m}^{2}} \\

Now, calculate the area of semicircles having radius $2cm$. As we know that area of circle is given by $\pi {{r}^{2}}$, from this we get area of one semicircle =$\dfrac{\pi {{r}^{2}}}{2}$.

On substituting the value of $r=2cm$, we get

Area of one semicircle $=\dfrac{\pi \times {{2}^{2}}}{2}$

& =\dfrac{\pi \times 4}{2} \\
& =2\pi c{{m}^{2}} \\

But, we have $4$ semicircles in the figure. Using unitary method,

Area of $4$ semicircles will be $=4(2\times \pi )c{{m}^{2}}$=$ 8 \pi cm^2$

We know that the value of $\pi $ is $3.14$. Substituting the value of $\pi $ in the above value

\[=8\times 3.14c{{m}^{2}}\]


Now, we have all the required values to find the area of the shaded region.

The area of shaded region is given by,

{(Area of square $ABCD$)$-$(Area of square $JKLM$)$+$(Area of $4$ semicircles)}

We have,

Area of square $ABCD$=$196c{{m}^{2}}$

Area of square $JKLM$=$16c{{m}^{2}}$

Area of $4$ semicircles $=25.12c{{m}^{2}}$

Substituting the above values in formula,

Area of shaded region \[=\text{ }196c{{m}^{2}}-(\text{ }\left( 16c{{m}^{2}} \right)\text{ }+\text{ }\left( 25.12c{{m}^{2}} \right))\]
Apply BODMAS rule, we get

& =196c{{m}^{2}}-41.12c{{m}^{2}} \\
& =154.88c{{m}^{2}} \\
Thus, the area of the shaded region is $154.88c{{m}^{2}}$.

Note: You can find the area of $4$ semicircles of the same radius using the direct formula of area of circle multiplying by $2$. As $4$ semicircles of equal radius will form two complete circles. Thus, you can use $2\times \pi {{r}^{2}}$ to find the area of $4$ semicircles. In question we have $4$ semicircles of equal radius.
& Area\text{ }of\text{ }4\text{ }semicircles\text{ }=2\times \pi {{r}^{2}} \\
& =2\times 3.14\times {{2}^{2}} \\
& =8\times 3.14 \\
& =25.12c{{m}^{2}}. \\