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Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word.
I pride myself _______ the fact that I read two or three books a week.
a. In
b. At
c. On
d. For

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 405.3k
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Hint: The blank will be filled with the most suitable preposition. Prepositions are words which are placed before a noun/pronoun to make it relatable to the action or verb in the sentence.

Complete answer:
Option a: In – This word is used to denote a place.
Example: He is in that room. (In here denotes the position of the noun.)

Option b: At – The word at is used to describe a location of a noun.
Example: ‘at school’, ‘at the mall’

Option c: On - On is used to denote ownership of an action towards any action.
Example: He arrived on time. (On is used by the pronoun to take ownership of the action.)

Option d: For – It is a preposition used to provide reason for the action done by a noun.
Example: Rahul is late for school.

The most appropriate word will be ‘option – b’.

I pride myself on the fact that I read two or three books a week.
Hence ‘on’ gives ownership for the action of pride taken by the mentioned person.

Note: ‘On’ is the most appropriate word for the blank as it describes the action of taking pride by the described person for the activity of reading books. The feeling of pride is taken by the person, hence ‘taking pride on’ is used with the activity.