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Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word:-
He's my sister's son. So, he's my ________.
A. Uncle
B. Nephew
C. Niece
D. Bride

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
Total views: 378.3k
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Hint:As aunt/uncle and niece/nephew are examples of second degree relationships and separated by two generations.
The parental siblings are only identified by their sex (Aunt, Uncle). All children are lumped together irrespective of their gender (Cousins).

Complete answer:
Subject is talking about his sister’s son which makes him his nephew according to linear kinship.
A nephew is a relative of the sibling of the subject or sibling-in-law in the lineal kinship system used in the English-speaking world. The converse relationship, the bond from the viewpoint of the niece or nephew, is that of an aunt or uncle.
Lets see other options :-
Uncle :- An uncle is a male relative who is a parent's sibling or married to a parent's sibling. Second-degree relatives are uncles who are related by birth. An aunt is the female equivalent of an uncle, and the reciprocal relation is that of a nephew or niece. thus this option is wrong.
Nephew :- A nephew is a relative of the sibling of the subject or sibling-in-law in the lineal kinship system. The subject is talking about his sister’s son which makes him his nephew thus this option is right.
Niece :- niece is a term used for daughter of brother/sister ,but here subject is talking about son thus this option is wrong.
Bride :- A bride is a woman who is married or newly married.but here the subject is talking about sister’s son thus this option is wrong too.

Hence the correct answer is option B.

Note:Kinship teaches us how we, through our genetics and history, are connected to our families or each other. Kinship may be a dynamic social-group structure. As everyone has a family, it is a universal framework,
In kinship, there are two forms of descent involved. The relationships that originate from the bloodline of the father are patrilineal. The relationships that originate from the bloodline of the mother are matrilineal.