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Explain the role of political parties in a democracy.

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint:The political parties from the opposition when they are in the minority in the legislature and constantly put pressure on the government for proper governance. They educate people and help in formulating and shaping public governance. They educate people and help in formulating and shaping public opinion. They articulate peoples’ demands and convey them to the government. They provide a linkage between people and government institutions.

Complete answer:
Political parties play an important role in a democracy, as they are representative in nature. As they provide a platform for public debates of different sections. They work as a vehicle of democracy. They bring people assembled in the public interest.
Additional Information: Political Parties help in speaking to various perspectives on different issues to the public authority. They unite different delegates with the goal that a dependable government could be shaped. They fill in as a system to help or limit the public authority, cause arrangements, to legitimize or restrict them. Ideological groups satisfy the requirements that each agent government has. Gatherings reflect essential political divisions in a public. Consequently, a gathering is known by which part it represents, which arrangements it underpins, and whose intrigues it maintains. An ideological group has three segments: the leaders, the active members, the followers.

Note:The political Parties are significant in various perspectives such as as- they nominate candidates during an election. The campaign to obtain support for their candidates in the election. They place objectives and programs before the voters through their manifestos. Those securing the majority in elections form the government, enact, and implement the policies. Those not in power form opposition and keep a constant check on the government.
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