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Explain ill effects of deforestation.

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
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Hint: Deforestation can be defined as the decrease of forest areas all across the world majorly caused by human activities like increase in uses of agricultural croplands, urbanization, mining activities etc. This negatively affects not only the environment but all creatures’ lives including human viz. in environmental science’s terms we can say, negative effects on ecosystems, biodiversity, climate etc.

Complete answer:
Deforestation or the decrease or clearing of land in forest areas worldwide is mainly caused by the cutting of trees. Some natural causes are– 1. Forest fire. 2. Severe drought etc.
The man-made causes can be as follows – 1. Urbanization caused by increase in population. 2. Industry developments. 3. Creation of cultivation land. 4. Uncontrolled waste of natural resources. 5. Mining etc.
On Ecosystem: Deforestation disturbs the natural living places of many plants or wild animals.
Pollution & Global Warming: Level of carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere because the fewer trees, the less carbon dioxide would be used in photosynthesis & less amount of CO2 decreases from the environment. It results in an increase in pollution. This leads to global warming.
Climate change: The temperature increase over earth disturbs the water cycle as well as reduces rainfall. Thus, i.e., droughts may occur.
Soil Erosion: Groundwater level goes down & leads to soil erosion & floods.
Loss of fertility of soil & Desertification: Deforestation can lead to decrease of the water holding capacity of the soil. The fertile lands would get converted into deserts.
Loss of resources: The useful products obtained from forest are also lost because of cutting trees.

The ill effects of deforestation can lead to severe devastation of civilization in the long term. The negative effects on the environment directly affects humankind. To prevent it, majors should be increased like- 1. Increase the use of recyclable resources. 2. Controlled use of the non-recyclable resources. 3. Prevent the wastage of water. 4. Reforestation i.e., plantation of trees etc.