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Example of converging and diverging beams?

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
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Hint: A light beam is a directional projection of light energy released by a light source, often known as a light beam or a light beam. A light beam is created when sunlight is filtered via clouds, trees, or windows (a sunbeam).

Complete step by step answer:
Let's start with the definition of a converging and diverging beam before moving on to an example.
Converging beam: After reflection and refraction, a convergent beam of light rays comes together (converges) at a single point known as the focus. At a point, the convergent beams meet. The rays of a convergent beam do not spread out and follow the same path.
Diverging beam: Light rays from a single point source travel in all directions, travelling away with the passage of time. A diverging beam of light is exactly what it sounds like. Divergent beams do not come together at a single place. The rays in a divergent beam spread out and take separate courses.
Examples of converging beam:-
1. The beams that a video or still camera receives are converging rays. They all come together to see the movie.
2. Astronomical reflecting telescopes use parabolic light reflectors. This is a convergent beam.
Examples of diverging beam:-
1. Rays emitted by a burning candle.
2. Rays emitted by the car's headlight.

Note: The coverage area of a light beam decreases as it travels across space. A converging beam of light has this feature by default. Convex lenses and concave mirrors, in general, produce convergent light beams.