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Electronegativity of nitrogen is more than phosphorus. Type \[1\] for true and \[0\] for false.

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Hint: A tendency of an atom to attract the lone pair of electrons towards itself is termed as electronegativity. In a modern periodic table, electronegativity decreases down the group whereas its value increases across a period.

Complete answer:
Nitrogen and phosphorus are the elements of group \[15\] in the modern periodic table. Nitrogen belongs to the second period while phosphorus is present in the third period, so it is placed in the position just below of nitrogen.
Now, as we know, the metallic character of elements increases on moving from top to bottom in a group. Metallic character is a property to lose electrons by showing electropositive character. As, electropositive character increases down the group. Therefore, electronegativity of the elements decreases down the group.
Alternatively, electronegativity can be explained in terms of shielding effect of an element as follows:
As we move top to bottom in a group, the atomic size of the elements increases i.e., the number of energy levels increases between the nucleus and the valence electron. Therefore, the orbitals which are comparatively greater in size show screening effect or shielding effect, due to which the tendency to accept electrons decreases. So, we can conclude that as the shielding effect in an element increases, its effective nuclear charge decreases and thus decrease in the electronegativity is also observed.
Hence, electronegativity of nitrogen is more than phosphorus. So, the correct answer is \[1\].

Shielding effect: It is a phenomenon in which the energy subshells having comparatively larger size like d and f subshells act like a shield for smaller subshells like s and p, and cause a decrease in the effective nuclear charge for an element.