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During the cell cycle, RNA and protein synthesis takes place during which of the following phase
(a) ${ G }_{ 1 }$ and ${ G }_{ 2 }$ 
(b) S phase
(c) M phase
(d) Cytokinesis

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: It is the first phase of the cell cycle which occurs in the eukaryotic organisms. In this phase, metabolic changes take place that prepares the cell for division. After this cell enters the S phase.

Complete step by step answer:
${ G }_{ 1 }$ is also known as the Gap 1 phase while Gap 2 is also known as${ G }_{ 2 }$ phase They are the first stage, the last phase which occurs in the cell cycle. In these stages, the cells synthesize mRNA and proteins and prepare the cell for the cell cycle and check whether the cells are ready to divide yet.
So, the correct answer is ‘${ G }_{ 1 }$’.

Additional information:
- The cell cycle is so known as the cell division, where one of the cells divides to form two daughter cells.
seo images

- The cell cycle has two important phases: interphase, and mitotic (M) phase.
- The eukaryotic interphase four main phases, ${ G }_{ 1 }$, A phase, ${ G }_{ 2 }$, and mitotic phase.
- All three phases ${ G }_{ 1 }$, A phase, and ${ G }_{ 2 }$ together constitute interphase.
- ${ G }_{ 1 }$ helps in the synthesis of the mRNA and proteins resulting in the meiosis.
- This phase is responsible for checking the preparation of the cell to undergo cell cycle.
- After this phase, the cells will start its replication when it enters the S-phase.

Note: For checking whether the cell is prepared, the ${ G }_{ 2 }$ phase is responsible before the cell enters the mitotic phase. This phase is also called the growth phase. The process of division of cells that results in the formation of two daughter cells is called the mitotic phase. This phase is also called the chromosome separation phase. Howard and Pelc were the first to describe the cell cycle.