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What does the term ‘Manipravalam’ refer to?
A. A poem describing trade in medieval Kerala
B. A new style of Malayalam that evolved during the medieval period.
C. A script to write old Malayalam
D. An epic literary work of medieval Kerala.

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint:Manipravalam is a Language that is in some manuscripts of South India. The language is a mixture of Sanskrit and old Malayalam, this developed language is called Manipravalam. Manipravalam literally means ruby-coral. A language in which Lilatilakam, a fourteen-century text was written.

Complete answer:
ManiPravalam, it actually means diamonds and corals and which consists of two languages both Sanskrit and the regional language. It played a role in the emergence of the Malayalam Language from Tamil and Sanskrit and of Malayalam script from Tamil-Brahmi. Many Literary works were written in this style during the period. It is a newly developed style of language that came to be known as Manipravalam, and not a script, a poem or a literary work.
Manipravalam has been used for poetry manuscripts that combine two languages namely Sanskrit and Malayalam.

Let us discuss the effect of the language:
It is shown that the advent of the Manipravalam style where letters of the Grantha script coexisted with the traditional Vatteluttu letters, made it easier for the people in Kerala to accept a Grantha-based script and paved the way for the introduction of the new writing system.

Hence, the correct answer is option (B).

Note:The mother of Malayalam literature is Nalapat Balamani Amma, was an Indian poet who wrote in Malayalam. She was known as the poetess of motherhood and is a prolific writer. Malayalam which is the official language of the Kerala state is said to be the toughest language in India, it is both difficult to learn and speak when compared to any other language in India.