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Differentiate briefly the characteristics of kingdom Plantae and Animalia.

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: Plant kingdom includes the plants. They include eukaryotic, multicellular and autotrophic organisms. Animal kingdom includes animals. They include eukaryotic, multicellular, and heterotrophic organisms.

Complete answer:
R.H Whitaker gave five kingdom classification. These five kingdoms were Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Kingdom Plantae includes all the plants. The difference between plant kingdom and animal kingdom are following:

Sr. No.Animal kingdomPlant kingdom
1.Animals have specialized systems in their body like the nervous system, reproductive system, sense organs. Plants are green in color organisms due to chlorophyll and they prepare their own food with the help of sunlight, water and air.
2.Animal kingdom is divided into: Vertebrates.Annelids.Mollusca.Nematoda.Arthropoda.Plant kingdom is divided into:Thallophyta.Bryophyta.Pteridophyta.Gymnosperms.Angiosperms.
3.Animals can freely move from one place to another.Plants can not move from one place to another place.
4.They do not have chlorophyll.They have chlorophyll.
5.They have digestive systems, they digest food and store it in the form of glycogen.The food store in the form of starch.
6.They take O$_2$ and release CO$_2$ in the atmosphere through skin, gills or lungs.They take CO$_2$ and release O$_2$ in the atmosphere through the stomata.
7.They have definite growth.The plants grow throughout life.
8.Generally, lower animals reproduce asexually and higher animals reproduce sexuallyReproduction is asexual like budding, vegetative propagation or sexually.
9.Response is fast as they have a proper nervous system.Their response to touch and stimuli and response is slow.

An animal named Euglena has characteristics of both plants and animals. That's why it is called 'connecting link' between plant and animal.

Note: There are a lot of differences between plant and animal kingdom. So, we can add more differences in the table like plants have cell walls and animals do not have cell walls, excretory products in plants are gum, sap, resins etc. which animals excrete urea, uric acid and ammonia.