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How did the Bengal bureaucrats of the 19th century resolve the conflict between western and Indian clothes?

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The Swadeshi Movement refers to one's own country and it also encouraged Indians to use Indian products.
The Above given conflict was a part of the Swadeshi Movement .
The movement was led by Dadabhai Naoroji.

Complete answer:
Just after the Partition of Bengal in 1905 which was mainly done to weaken the National Spirits Of Indian , the Swadeshi Movement was launched in India 1906. However the official reason stated by Lord Curzon for the division of Bengal was related to Excessive Population. The Swadeshi Movement was mainly launched to oppose the decision of Partition of Bengal and it was one of the most powerful and successful Movements of India against the British Empires. Mahatma Gandhi once described this movement as ‘Swaraj’ which clearly means Self Rule.

After this movement , people of India began to burn British Goods and use Indian products. One of the major parts of the Swadeshi Movement was boycotting the Western clothing and promoting Indian Clothing . But this step also led to a problem for some of the Indians who were holding an office under the British Government such as the Army people as they had to wear the Uniform designed by the Britishers . So to resolve this conflict, they decided to support the Swadeshi Movement on one side and also to uphold their duty. In other words, they decided that whenever they would be Off-Duty they would wear Indian Clothes and whenever on duty, they would wear their Uniform that was supposed to be western.

The Swadeshi Movement is also known as ‘The Vande Mataram’ Movement in Andhra Pradesh.
The Movement ended up in the year 1911.
The Swadeshi Movement of India is now renamed as the ‘ Make in India‘ Movement.