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Why did Einstein write a letter to Franklin Roosevelt?

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: This question is taken from the chapter "A Truly Beautiful Mind" summarizing Einstein's story to describe him as a wonderful human who was a scientist born in Germany. This narration outlines his path to become a genius.

Complete answer:
Einstein sent a letter to Franklin Roosevelt because he wanted to alert America that Germany was capable of constructing and using an atomic bomb that would kill the whole port as well as any of the surrounding territories if it detonated in a port. On 2 August 1939, Einstein sent a letter to the American President, in which he sought to alert the American President of the impact of this device and also wanted them to build another bomb that could use the destruction potential of it.

It was inappropriate, according to Einstein, to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Einstein played an important part in the development of the atomic bomb, but in a covert experiment of their own, the Americans produced the atomic bomb and dropped it on those two Japanese cities. He was then depressed by the scale of the damage and felt guilty. He also wrote a long letter calling for the establishment of a world government to stop the destruction of nuclear weapons.

-Americans secretly produced an atomic bomb and, in August 1945, dropped it on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
-Einstein immigrated to the United States after the rise of the Nazis in Germany.
-The truth was that the Nazis were able to produce an atomic bomb. The entire planet could be ruined by it. So, in his message, he warned Franklin D Roosevelt.