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Deforestation generally decreases
A. Global warming
B. Drought
C. Rainfall
D. Soil erosion

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
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Hint: Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses like setting up factories, making new buildings, etc.

Complete Answer:
- The destruction of forests is called deforestation. It has a serious effect on human life and the environment. The vegetation has been greatly destroyed which has resulted in gradual loss of the natural habitat and is posing a threat to natural resources.
- Overpopulation, industrialization, urbanization, road construction, mining have caused tremendous pressure on living resources. Many plants and animal species are on the verge of extinction or endangered.
- Forest destruction may also be caused by several adverse factors such as drought, flood, earthquake, water and air pollution, etc.
- Deforestation generally decreases rainfall but increases global warming, drought, and soil erosion.

Deforestation’s impact on the earth's water cycle:
- Trees play a key role in the water cycle by helping to keep a balance between the water on land and water in the atmosphere. But when deforestation occurs, that balance can be thrown off, resulting in changes in climate.

Option A: Plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. Deforestation results in increased greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide ) around the earth's atmosphere. These greenhouse gases trap and absorb atmospheric heat and ultimately causes Global warming ( an increase in earth's surface temperature). Thus, deforestation leads to an increase in global warming. Therefore, this is the incorrect option.

Option B: Deforestation reduces rainfall and this is one of the reasons that result in drought.
The root helps the soil to bind up properly. The soil loosens up the binding due to cutting off the trees. Therefore, this is the incorrect option.

Option C: Trees are the chief sources of water evaporation. Plants absorb water from the soil and transport large quantities of water into the atmosphere via plant transpiration. Trees evaporate water to form clouds.
Deforestation leads to the cutting down of trees. As a result, less water is absorbed from the soil and affects the water cycle. Hence, the formation of clouds becomes difficult which leads to reduced rainfall. Therefore, this is the correct option.

Option D: Deforestation is the common factor that is responsible for soil erosion. The roots of trees hold soil erosion tightly and prevent soil erosion. If we cut the trees the binding of soil particles loose up. In this way, soil erosion is caused or increased by deforestation. Therefore, this is the incorrect option.

Thus, the correct option is C) Rainfall.

Note: Through adopting the following measures, deforestation can be controlled,
- Banning inefficient agricultural practises like slash and burn and optimizing the management of forest.
- Planting more and more trees under reforestation campaigns to restore the deforested forests.
- By increasing the range and number of forests that come under government protection.