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Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the given word.
a. Cautious
b. Considerate
c. Clever
d. Cunning

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 402k
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Hint: The meaning of the given word, impulsive, is acting or doing something without thinking twice or having any forethought about the action or its consequences.

Complete step by step solution: In the question, we have been given a word and we need to find the most suitable opposite for the word from the options available to us.
Let us first understand the meaning of the given word. Impulsive refers to a spontaneous inclination to do an action that has not been planned before.
Now, we will take a look at the given options one by one.
Option ‘A’, cautious, refers to a person who is careful to avoid problems that may happen or dangers that may occur.
Option ‘B’, considerate, refers to someone who is careful not to cause inconvenience or harm to others.
Option ‘C’, clever, refers to the ability to understand, learn and apply ideas quickly.
Option ‘D’, cunning, refers to someone who is skilled in achieving their desires through deceit.
From the above options we can see that options ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ have meanings that are not related to the given word in any way. Hence, all these three options are incorrect.
Therefore, the correct answer is option ‘A’, cautious as its meaning is the exact opposite of the given word ‘impulsive’.

Note: While choosing opposites, look for words that are the exact opposite in meaning to the given word. Do not simply choose words that have a meaning that is nearly the opposite.