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Choose the correct meaning of the phrase.
De jure
A) Here and there
B) As per law
C) Small details
D) In the same place

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
Total views: 392.7k
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Hint:Synonyms are the words that have the same or similar meaning and to avoid repetition synonyms are used. For example: the synonym of beautiful is pretty and adorable.

Complete answer:
We must find the meaning of De jure and the meaning of words that are given in the options. And both the words should have the same meaning or the exact sense.
The meaning of De jure is ‘according to rightful entitlement or claim; by right or rightfully or legally’ and we must find the correct answer from the options given whose meaning is the same as De jure.

Option A) Here and there - is an incorrect answer because the meaning of here and there is ‘in various places. For example: Books were scattered here and there’ and this is not the synonym of De jure because their meanings are not the same. Thus, this is an incorrect answer.

Option B) As per law - is the correct answer because the meaning of as per law is ‘A phrase commonly recognized to mean "in accordance with the terms of or rightful or legally’ and this is the synonym of the word De jure and they can be used in place of each other because they have similar meaning. Thus, this is the correct answer.

Option C) Small details - is an incorrect answer because the meaning of small details is ‘minor details’ and this is not the synonym of De jure because their meanings are not the same. Thus, this is an incorrect answer.

Option D) In the same place - is an incorrect answer because the meaning of in the same place is ‘aforesaid or supplicate or equal or identical or equivalent’ and this is not the synonym of De jure because their meanings are not same. Thus, this is an incorrect answer.

Hence, the correct answer is Option ‘B’.

Note:Synonyms are the words that have same or similar meaning i.e. synonym of De jure is as per law, and antonym are the words that are opposite in meaning and the antonym of De jure is De facto and the meaning of De facto is in fact, whether by right or not. Thus, Option B is the correct answer as the question is all about telling the same or similar meaning of the word De jure and other options are wrong.