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Choose the correct meaning of the given phrase.
"To have an axe to grind"
a. A private end to serve
b. To fail to arouse interest
c. To have no result
d. To work for both sides
e. None of these

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
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Hint:In the above question, we must find a meaning that means the same as the given phrase. An idiom refers to a phrase or a group of words that are different in meaning in comparison to the literal meaning of its words.

Complete answer:
The idiom, ‘to have an axe to grind’ means to perform an act for personal reasons. Example- My father couldn’t handle the project as he had too many axes of his own to grind. Here, we can understand that X’s father, ‘Y’ couldn’t handle the project as he had his personal reasons.
Let us go through all the meanings in order to know the correct option-
Option a ‘a private end to serve’ means to have a private purpose to serve. For example The businessmen kept pushing for the bill to be passed as it had a private end to serve.
Option b ‘to fail to arouse interest’ means to fail in creating enjoyment. For example The monotonous diatribe of the teacher failed to arouse the interest of the students.
Option c ‘to have no result’ means to be devoid of any outcome. For example The people protested against the wanton cutting of trees but they had no result.
Option d ‘to work for both sides’ means to be duplicitous. For example The war saw some people working for both sides in order to survive.
The correct answer is Option ‘a’.

Phrases or idioms have a metaphorical or figurative meaning. Some one-word substitutions of ‘have an axe to grind’ are agenda, motive, reason etc.