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Carbon: Non-metal:: Germanium:
D.Liquid non-metal

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Hint: In the periodic table, we could see a jagged black line beside the right side of the table which shows the difference between the metals and the nonmetals. We can notice the metals are present on the left side of the line other than element hydrogen which is nonmetal, we could notice the nonmetals are present on the right side of the line, and metalloids are found adjacent to the line.

Complete answer:
We could say delegate the components as metals, nonmetals, or metalloids. Metals are acceptable transmitters of heat and power, and are malleable (they could be pounded into sheets) and ductile (they could be brought into wire). The vast majority of the metals are solids at room temperature, with a trademark shiny sparkle (aside from mercury, which is a liquid).
We could say nonmetals are poor conductors of heat and power, and are not malleable or malleable; a considerable lot of the basic nonmetals are gases at room temperature, while others are liquids and others are solids.
We could say the metalloids are substances which contain properties between the properties of metals and nonmetals. In their physical properties, they are more similar to the nonmetals, however in specific situations; certain of them could be made to direct conduct electricity. These semiconductors are significant in PCs and other electronic gadgets.
We know that carbon is nonmetal that is found on the right side of the periodic table, whereas germanium is a metalloid that is a member of the carbon family.
So, carbon: nonmetal:: germanium: metalloid.

Option (C) is correct.

We can say that metalloids are brittle solids that appear metallic. Metalloids have a tendency to donate their electrons when they are reacted with other compounds, they are either weakly acidic oxides (or) amphoteric oxides. Several of the metalloids are semiconductors and are thermal conductors which are moderate. Certain metalloids such as arsenic and antimony conduct electricity just similar to metals.