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Brood pouch of female cockroaches consists of
A. Gonopore, Spermathecal pores and collateral glands
B. Gonopore, collateral glands and Gonapophysis
C. Genital pores, anal styles,gonapophysis
D. Gonopore, anal styles and collateral glands

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
Total views: 395.1k
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Hint: Some 320 million years ago Cockroaches are an ancient group at least as far as the Carboniferous period. However, the internal ovipositors of modern roaches were absent from these early ancestors. Cockroaches, like the sucking mouthparts of aphids and other true bugs, are somewhat generalised insects without unique adaptations; they have chewing mouthparts and are probably among the most primitive of living Neopterin insects.

Complete Answer:
Cockroaches are members of the Blattodea order, which includes termites, once thought to be distinct from cockroaches, a group of insects. Currently, 4,600 species are worldwide described and over 460 genera. The term "cockroach" derives from the Spanish word for cockroach, cucaracha, converted into "cock" and "roach" by English folk etymology in the 1620s.

The scientific name comes from the Latin blatta, a light-shunning insect used not only in classical Latin cockroaches but also in mantids.
- The number of male and female cockroach segments in the abdomen-10.
- The number of segments in the larval stage abdomen is-11.
- The number of sclerites covering each segment of the abdomen is 4.
- The sternum number in the female cockroach boat is-7.

The brood pouch is formed by the union of-7, 8, 9 sternae in the female cockroach. In the anterior part of the genital pouch, gonopores, spermathecal pores and collateral gland openings are present.

The genital pouch is found in the male cockroach between the 9th and 10th terga and the 9th sterna. The arrangement of the anus, genital pore and gonapophysis in male cockroach is-dorsal- Middle-genital pore, anus and ventral-gonapophysis.

The correct Answer is option (A) Gonopores, Spermathecal pores and collateral glands.

Note: Cockroaches are domestic pests because food is lost and food is polluted. Cockroaches serve as mechanical vectors during disease propagation.