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Blue green algae as Nostoc and Anabaena can photosynthesize due to presence of
A. Heterocysts
B. Akinetes
C. Chromatophores
D. Leghaemoglobin

Last updated date: 16th Jun 2024
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Hint:These cells contain pigments and reflect lights. They are also present in some animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, cephalopods, and crustaceans.

Complete answer:
Cyanobacteria often known as blue-green algae are prokaryotes. They are a group of photosynthetic bacteria, some of them are nitrogen fixing that live freely or in a symbiotic relationship to plants, or lichen-forming fungi, in a wide range of moist soils and water. These involve colonial organisms, ranging from single cells to filamentous. Filaments, boards, or hollow spheres may be shaped by the colonies. Some filamentous species can be differentiated by various cell types.
Heterocysts are nitrogen fixing cells, created by filamentous cyanobacteria like Nostoc and Anabaena, which form during nitrogen starvation. They fix nitrogen in the air using the nitrogen enzyme to supply nitrogen to the filament cells for biosynthesis.
Akinetes are thick walled envelopes that are found in non-motile, heterocyst forming cyanobacteria. These envelopes are resistant to desiccation and cold.
Chromatophores are membranous structures that contain pigment. They serve as photosynthetic sites in blue green algae.
Leghaemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen and is found in the nitrogen fixing root nodules of a leguminous plant.

Thus, the correct answer is option C. i.e., Chromatophores.

Note: In almost every marine and terrestrial habitat cyanobacteria can live - lakes, fresh water, damp soils, deserted rocks, bare rock and even Antarctic rocks. They may be planktonic cells or form biofilms. Some are endosymbionts in the host, such as lichens, plants, protists and sponge and provide the energy. They are located in an endolithic ecosystem.Some live in the midst of sloths, offering a camouflage.