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Bicarpellary, syncarpous gynoecium with bilocular ovary, axile swollen placenta and oblique septum occurs in-
A. Cruciferae
B. Solanaceae
C. Cucurbitaceae
D. Liliaceae

Last updated date: 20th Apr 2024
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Hint: The plants belonging to Family Solanaceae have a superior ovary, two carpels. The placentation is axile and the septum is oblique.

Complete answer:
To solve the question, we need to find out the various characteristics of all the given Families.
> Cruciferae or Brassicaceae
The gynoecium is bicarpellary, syncarpous but the ovule is unilocular, parietal placentation. The style is short and the stigma is bilobed. There is a presence of a false septum in the gynoecium of the members of this family
> Solanaceae
The gynoecium is bicarpellary (it has two carpels), syncarpous (the carpels are united), ovary superior, bilocular with many ovules in each locule (two locules in each ovule), placentation is axile, septum is oblique, placentae is highly swollen, style long and hairy, and stigma is bilobed(having two lobes).
> Cucurbitaceae
The gynoecium is tricarpellary (having three carpels), syncarpous. The ovary is inferior and unilocular (having one locule in each ovule). The placentation is parietal.
> Liliaceae
The gynoecium is tricarpellary and syncarpous. The ovary is superior and trilocular. The placentation is axile. The style is slender and stigma bilobed.

Hence,the correct answer to this question is Family Solanaceae.

Here it should be noted that in Family Brassicaceae the ovule is unilocular but at times it becomes bilocular due to the presence of a false septum known as replum.