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What are those organisms which bear both sex organs in the same individual? Give one example of such organisms.

Last updated date: 13th Jun 2024
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Hint: The organisms which bear both sex organs in the same individual are found in phylum Porifera, Cnidaria, and Annelida. They are conjointly known as bisexual. It is a commonly seen condition in animals of this group which helps them to undergo sexual reproduction.

Complete answer: The organisms that bear each of the sex organs are referred to as hermaphrodites specifically, synchronic hermaphrodites. As opposition to hermaphrodites, which might carry either set of sex organs, however just one at a time. An interesting example of synchronic hermaphroditism is that the Platyhelminthes, as each of their segments carries its own try of each male and feminine sex organs. The Platyhelminthes generally reproduce by having the segments fertilize one another. In plants, we have a tendency to use the term “hermaphroditic” for cases wherever a constant flower has each male and feminine organ. One plant that carries two sorts of flowers, some male and a few feminines, is named heteroecious. The other, wherever male and feminine flowers are separated into completely different plants, is named dioecian. Most of the invertebrates are hermaphrodites. The term ‘hermaphrodites’ is also consecutive based on the sort of sexual system they expertise. They'll reproduce themselves additionally, in absence of a mate. Examples of animals in which hermaphroditism is observed are earthworms, snails, hamlet manus, clownfish, etc", It’s a traditional condition among this cluster of organisms enabling them to endure a variety of amphimixis wherever the partner will act either as male or feminine. An instance is an oligochaete worm also called an Earthworm.

Note: Hermaphrodite is also employed in biology to explain a flower that has each antheral (male, spore-producing)and pistil (female, ovule producing) half. This condition is seen in several plants too. Lower organisms show birth defects. Hermaphroditism is additionally found in some fish species and to a lesser degree in alternative vertebrates.