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An example of plant that belongs to bryophyte is
A. Cycas
B. Fern
C. Mosses
D. Mushroom

Last updated date: 23rd Apr 2024
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Hint: Bryophytes are the plants which are called as amphibians of the plant kingdom because they are capable of surviving both in water and on land.

Complete answer:
The correct answer is (C).
Mosses are the plants in which the predominant stage during their life cycle is gametophyte which further is divided into two stages- the protonema stage and the leafy stage. The protonema stage is the one which directly develops from the spores, it is green in color, branched and filamentous and creeping in nature. The leafy stage is developed from the secondary protonema as a lateral bud. They have spirally arranged leaves. This stage is attached to the soil with the help of multicellular and branched rhizoids and sex organs are also found in this stage.
Mosses reproduce by technique of vegetative reproduction known as fragmentation and the budding process occurs in the secondary protonema. In the process of sexual reproduction, the sex organs called as antheridia and archegonia are present at the apex of the shoot. The zygote develops into sporophyte after the process of fertilization. The sporophyte consists of three different structures – foot, seta and capsule.
The process of seed dispersal also occurs in the mosses and the spores are present in the capsule of the sporophyte.
Some common examples of the mosses are Sphagnum, Funaria etc.

Note: The mosses and liverworts are the bryophytes as they can survive both in soil as well as in water.