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An example of a seed with endosperm, perisperm, and caruncle is
(a) Castor
(b) Cotton
(c) Coffee
(d) Lily

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
Total views: 380.7k
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Hint: Oil extracted from this seed is used as medicine for centuries. For constipation this oil is used as a laxative, also used to start labor in pregnancy and to start the flow of breast milk.

Complete answer:
From the given options castor is the example of a seed with endosperm, perisperm, and caruncle. In the central cell of the embryo sac there presents a triploid primary endosperm nucleus from where the endosperm is developed. The fusion of male gamete with the secondary nucleus of the central cell is known as triple fusion. It is also called vegetative fertilization which results in the formation of a triploid nucleus. The essential nutrients to the growing embryos are provided by the endosperm.

Additional Information:
-Seeds of castor, coffee, lily, and cotton are albuminous seeds.
-The pericarp is present just below the seed coat and around the kernel in the seeds of castor, cotton, lily, and coffee.
-In the seeds of castor, cotton, lily, and coffee, the pericarp is surrounded by the endosperm.
-The enlargement of cells present at the tip of the outer integument is exhibited in castor seeds.
- At the micropylar end of the seed, it forms a fleshy outgrowth known as a caruncle.
-A caruncle serves in the germination of seeds and also the dispersal of seeds by animals.
-Caruncle is absent in cotton, lily, and coffee seeds.
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So, the correct answer is,’ Castor’.

-The seeds in which a fleshy storage endosperm is present just beneath tegmen and it persists up to maturity are known as albuminous seeds.
-A residual nucellus that persists in seeds is the pericarp.
-A deadly poison called ricin is present in the hull of the castor seed, that is why it is suggested to remove the hull before using the seed.