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An electric field can deflect:
A. X rays
B. Neutron
C. \[\alpha - rays\]
D. Gamma-rays

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: The electric field is the region that indicates force that would act on a unit positive charge if placed in the region. The electric field surrounds the electric charge and exerts a force on another charge in that region. The magnitude and direction of the electric field are expressed as E, also known as Electric field intensity, Electric field strength. Electric field is created by electric charges or by varying magnetic fields with charge.

Complete step by step solution:
Option A.
X-ray is the very energetic electromagnetic radiation that is used to take an image of the bones of the human body as the calcium of the bones absorbs the x-rays, so bones look white. X-rays aren’t deflected by any electronic or the magnetic fields as x-rays do not carry any charges,

Option B.
Neutrons are the neutral subatomic particle found in the atomic nucleus. Neutrons are found with protons in the atomic nucleus. Neutrons have no charge; hence it can’t be reflected in the curved path, and it continues in the straight path.

Option C.
Alpha particle or the alpha rays consists of two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle identical as helium-4 nucleus produced in the process of alpha decay. Alpha particles are positively charged, the beta charge is negatively charged, and gamma-ray is electrically neutral. Hence the alpha particle is deflected by electric fields.

Option D.
Gamma-rays are a penetrating form of electromagnetic radiation generated from radioactive decay of atomic nuclei. Gamma rays cannot be deflected by an electric field since it is electrically neutral.

Hence option C is correct as Alpha particles are deflected by an electric field.

Note: Electric field deflection is the technique for modifying the path of the beam of charged particles by using electric field applied to the path of the particle in a transverse way.