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Against the given word, there are some alternatives, one of which is either similar in meaning (synonym) or opposite in meaning (antonym) to the word. Find out which of the given alternatives is either a synonym or antonym of the word.


a) Irreparable
b) Vulnerable
c) Uncountable
d) Measurable
e) Unapproachable

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 399.3k
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Hint: Words that are synonyms for each other share some common meaning. Whereas, words that are antonyms for each other share different meanings. Now, let us try to find another word that shares (or does not share) similar meaning to the above given word.

Complete answer:

Before we start finding the appropriate solution we must first understand the meaning of the word - inaccessible - When you are unable to reach, approach or understand something it can be defined as inaccessible.
Now to better understand let us look at some examples for the word – inaccessible – you are describing a remote and inaccessible cave, that building is inaccessible to handicapped people as it does not have a ramp, etc.
Now, let us look at the meaning of the word given in the option:
Irreparable – something that is impossible to rectify or repair is defined as irreparable, e.g. – they caused irreparable damage to the house.
Vulnerable – Someone or something that is vulnerable is weak and without protection and is exposed to harm, e.g. little kids are vulnerable.
Uncountable – something that cannot be counted or is innumerable in nature, e.g. Stars are uncountable.
Measurable - something that can be quantified or measured, e.g. these quantities are measurable.
Unapproachable – something or someone who is inaccessible, remote, cold in nature, etc, e.g. my science teacher is unapproachable.
We can see in the explanation that there is a synonym for the word – inaccessible. Therefore that id the correct answer, i.e. option e.

Note: Do not get confused about why a synonym word is chosen and not an antonym. We have done so because the questions ask us to find either a synonym or an antonym for the given word.

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