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What is a unit? Does the magnitude of quantity change with the change in the system of units? What are fundamental units? What is the derived unit ? Name the system of units accepted internationally.

Last updated date: 17th Jun 2024
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Hint: Before going through the question let us first know about physical quantities . Any phenomenon that can be measured with an instrument or estimated is referred to as a physical quantity. A value is the algebraic multiplication of a numerical value and a unit to express a physical quantity.

Complete answer:
UNIT: A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a quantity that is used as a norm for measuring the same kind of quantity. It is specified and recognised by law or convention. A multiple of the unit of measurement may be used to express some other quantity of that kind. A length, for example, is a physical quantity.

No, the magnitude of quantity does not change with the change in the system of units since when a physical quantity's system of units is changed, its value is only expressed in a different type of system of units, i.e., only its magnitude is changed when expressed in a different system of units. However, the amount remains unchanged.

Take, for example, The SI system of units is used to express one metre. When voicing it in the CGS unit scheme, 100 centimetres = 1 metre. As a result, when the system of units for the physical quantity ‘Length' changes from SI to CGS, only the magnitude changes from 1 to 100. The physical quantity Length, on the other hand, remains unchanged, as 1 metre equals 100 centimetres.

FUNDAMENTAL UNITS: The fundamental units, as defined by the International System of Units, are the units of fundamental quantities. They are not dependent on any other units, and they are the source of all other units. The basic units in the International System of Units are:
-The meter (symbol: m), used to measure length.
-The kilogram (symbol: kg), used to measure mass.
-The second (symbol: s), used to measure time.
-The ampere (symbol: A) is a unit of electric current measurement.
-The kelvin (symbol: K), used to measure temperature.
-The mole (symbol: mol) is a unit of measurement for the volume of material or particles in a given amount of matter.
-The candela (symbol: cd) is a unit of light intensity measurement.

DERIVED UNITS: There are seven basic units that are used to calculate various quantities. The following are the units of measurement: metre (length), kilogramme (mass), second (time), ampere(electric current), kelvin (thermodynamic temperature), mole (amount of substance), and candela (luminous intensity).

Any unit that is measured using these base units is referred to as a derived unit. As a consequence, the base units are used to express the derived units. Miles per hour is a unit of measurement for the amount of time.The area is measured in length by length.

There are, however, a few derived units with names. The unit of pressure is the pascal, which is force per area. Acceleration - metres per second per second resistivity - ohms per metre mass flow rate - kilogrammes per second are other derived units.

SI UNITS: The International System Of Units (SI) is a metric system that is widely used as a measurement norm. SI units are extremely significant in scientific and technical research and development. It consists of seven base units that are used to define 22 derived units. The SI units can be expressed as fractional amounts or as multiples of a fixed number. Prefix multipliers with powers of 10 ranging from \[{10^{ - 24}}\] to \[{10^{24}}\] are used to describe these quantities.

It is the only method of measurement recognised by virtually every nation on the planet because SI units can be linked in such a way that one unit can be extracted from another without the use of conversion factors. SI is widely used around the world, so our use of it helps scientists from various regions to communicate scientific data using a common standard that avoids confusion.

Note:Though SI unit has many benefits, and we now use SI units for the majority of measurements, it is not without its drawbacks. It has drawbacks, such as focusing solely on one unit, diluting the value of other units. Furthermore, the SI unit does not always accurately represent a quantity.