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A person who has no money to pay off his debts
Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
A. Debtor
B. Pauper
C. Beggar
D. Insolvent

Last updated date: 04th May 2024
Total views: 285.3k
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Hint: In the above question we have to choose an option that can best replace the given phrase ‘ person who has no money to pay off his debts’. All the given options are closely related to those people who are usually financially restricted.

Complete answer:
Let us first understand the meaning of the given options:
A) Debtor-A person who owes money to his/her lender which is yet to be paid. Or it can also refer to a person who has neglected/violated their duty. The debtor does not have to necessarily be related to money. One can be a debtor of kindness or of some favour which may or may not be returned.
B) Pauper- A poor person who lives off the money derived from charity or any other public support (can be in the form of supply of necessities).
C) Beggar-It refers to a person who begs other people to live a life. Such people usually ask for food, clothes and other basic things from people on the streets. The trait of begging is generally associated with those who beg on the street but it can also apply to someone who pleads with someone desperately for something as well like ‘the child begged his parents for the toy.’.
D) Insolvent- It refers to a trait where the person is incapable to pay back the amount that he/she has borrowed from others.

Therefore the correct answer is option ‘D’. Insolvent is a person who has no money to pay off his debts.

Note: In the question while the first three options are nouns, the last option, ‘insolvent’ is an adjective because it primarily shows a quality/trait of the person. For e.g. Kiran became insolvent.